Monday, March 19, 2007

THE THING (1951)

Produced by Howard Hawks and directed by ( in all but name ) Christian Nyby 'The Thing From Another World ' ( which it is also known as ) still remains a classic film,whose imagary has stood the test of time extremely well. OK No big special effects here by todays standards but this film
more than makes up for that with it's rich atmosphere.

Based on J W Cambells story 'Who Goes There ' TTFAW deviates somewhat from the original concept, with the monster resembling more of a kind of ' Intellectual Carrot' ; whereas John Carpenters remake is much closer with it's shape changing monster and its ability to take on human form, however this is far more gory and gruesome horror fare compared to Hawks's version.

Considering TTFAW was made on a budget the arctic wastes and mounting paranoia are beautifully realised. With a cast of B actors headed by ' Kenneth Toby ' TTFAW has most definitely an 'Hawksian' stamp to it with his use of typically overlapping dialogue and characters. Not your usual Sci fi/ horror fare at all here.

Favourite scenes has to be when the group set out by plane to track down what is apparently thought to be a meteorite and come across a spaceship frozen under the ice which has seemingly crashlanded. It's more of what one doesn't see here, which make these scenes so powerfull. In fact all that's glimpsed is a tail fin of the craft protruding from the ice and the vague shadowy figure of it's occupant.

The 8 foot tall monster, which somehow lost it's ability to mimic others along the way is played by ' James Arness , he of ' Gunsmoke ' fame, although you would never recognize him here! In fact he supposedly was so embarassed by the role he refused to eat with the rest of the cast.

The climax in which the creature becomes trapped on the wire and electrocuted where he gradually decreases in size was by all accounts achieved by using different proportioned actors ( height ) until in the final scene a midget in costume was used. However ridiculous this all may sound it is very effectively done and in my opinion adds more realism.

Definitely worth a watch then this one if you havn't seen it! Even if you have, another screening is highly recommended. One of those films i guess which just seems to get better each time it's viewed!