Saturday, June 16, 2007

Gambling Movies

Here's a few of my favourite gambling movies which feature Casinos and other forms of gambling. Obvious films which spring to mind are ' Casino Royale' ( 1967) ' The Sting '( 1973 ) and ' The Hustler' which is not a gambling movie in the purest sense but definetly one of the greatest and far superior to Scorsese's remake ' The Color Of Money '
(1986) .

A personal favourite of mine would be ' The Cincinatti Kid ' starring Steve Mcqueen and the ever great Edward G Robinson. If you enjoy poker this will be right up your alley for sure. Mcqueen is splendidly cast as the ' Kid ' fresh to the game and over eager to battle it out with old wizened pro Robinson.The climactic scenes are great and you'll be delighted with the twist in the tail.Well worth checking out though sadly seldom screened these days !

Footnote: For Mac users check out the following great sites to play on-line poker which have an established and trusted reputation. Pacific Poker