Thursday, November 08, 2007

28 Weeks Later ( 2007 )

Zombies are once again wreaking havoc in england in this sequel to 28 days Later. This as another great attempt at rejuvenating the zombie film and injecting it with new life. I found this film even more disturbing and scarier than the previous.

Directed this time around by Spanish director Juan Carlos Fresnadillo with Danny Boyle ( director of 28 Days Later ) as co producer. He certainly piles on the non stop action in this one with numerous chase scenes and out and out gut wrenching zombie rage.

After the initial outbreak of the rage virus , 28 Weeks Later takes place in a post plague London. Thousands of people begin to rebuild there lives in a quarantined section of Canary Warf where the majority of the action takes place.One can probably fore guess what's going to happen .... red alert is announced as the viral infestation begins to take hold and overcome everyone except most of the american soldiers, and whats left of a small group which tries to escape via helicopter from Wembley satdium.

Great sequel to the original then. If you like more action you will probably enjoy this one more. Personally i found 28 Days Later the better of the two.